Technology is constantly becoming more present in our lives. There are countless ways that technology can make our lives easier, so it’s likely that we will continue seeing new cool gadgets every year. While most of them will ultimately flop, there are some that may become a common occurrence in households.
Echo Speakers
There are various versions of echo speakers available on the market today. Speakers like Google Alexa or Amazon Echo are there to assist you without the need to use your device physically. You can use your voice and activate the device. Then you’ll be able to access music, browse the internet, and even get the weather report. You can get different versions of speakers, so you better look around to find the one that suits your needs. Check specifications of these devices and find the one that seems more useful to you.
Cell Boosters
Signal boosters are useful devices. If your house is located in a zone where reception is bad, these devices will solve your issue. They can even be carried around, so you won’t have to think about reception wherever you go.
However, it’s important to note that cell signal boosters are exactly that – boosters. They need a tiny amount of signal in order to amplify it. Therefore, you can’t expect them to work if there is absolutely no connection. For instance, these boosters are quite helpful in areas with weak signal. If your house is in the suburbs or less urban part of town and has poor reception, signal boosters can fix your problem.
Smart Vacuum Cleaners
Smart vacuum cleaners, known also as Roombas, are automatic cleaning devices. They move around your house on their own and look for spots that are dirty. Then, with a single swipe, the spot gets cleaned. The best part about this is that they’re not loud, so it won’t bother you.
Even though this concept is not that new, many people seem to have discovered Roombas only recently. Right now, there are many models to choose from.
Surveillance Cameras
You must be wondering why surveillance cameras are being mentioned, since they’ve been around for quite some time. Most people only have a standard alarm system and not too many houses have surveillance cameras. However, this is about to change because surveillance cameras aren’t what they used to be.
Nowadays, they’re built from cheaper materials and most of them are essentially web cameras. These small cameras, like Arlo Pro, provide clean and sharp images, so they can be used to identify people that enter your private property. Keep in mind that there are some privacy issues regarding these cameras and recent technology.
Wi-Fi Thermostats
Nowadays, it seems like everything can be controlled wirelessly. You can be sitting in a sofa at home and adjusting the temperature of the room right on your phone. One of the thermostats that allow you to do this is known as a Nest Learning Thermostat. Not only do these thermostats adjust temperature, but also give you geofencing support. These gadgets cost about $200. As they’re quite useful, it seems like a fair price. Because of the affordable price, you’ll probably start seeing them in most households.
These new devices that recently hit the market can be quite useful to anyone who keeps track of their weight and wants to stay healthy. Smart scales have many different functions like tracking fat, BMI, and muscle mass. These are all things that you’ll need to keep track of in order to lose weight efficiently. They also have a reminder function, so there is basically no way you’ll lose track of your diet program. The best part is that they’re not so expensive. Most models cost between $100 and $200.