The wolf probably didn’t know what it was in for when it allowed itself to be domesticated and transformed into the dog. Now, there is a dog for every human environment, lifestyle and temperament.
For those considering adopting a dog breed but are wondering which is the right one for them, here are some suggestions:
Golden Retriever

This beautiful dog breed is fantastic for a family with young children. They have a lush, golden coat with lots of feathering on the tail, belly, neck and at the backs of their legs and bright, alert eyes.
They love everybody, live to please their humans and are singularly bad guard dogs. The golden retriever is so sweet-tempered that one owner happily complained that if a burglar broke into his house, his Goldie would serve him tea, and lead him to the family silver.

This boxy little dog with its squashed in, worried-looking face is actually happy, funny, energetic and needs lots of stimulation to stave off boredom.
Pugs are good guard dogs, great apartment dogs and get along with kids, visitors and other pets.On the other hand, their mashed in muzzles make them susceptible to respiratory problems, and they do not tolerate extremes in temperature well.
Their bulging dark eyes, part of their charm, are subject to disorders, and Pug mothers often need Caesarean sections to help them give birth.
The Pug is for people who find the joy the dog brings is worth their potential health problems.
German Shepherd

Powerful, fearless, intelligent and strong-willed, this popular dog is a good, loyal family dog. German shepherds might take a while to warm to strangers, so a potential owner should keep this in mind.
It needs to be socialized around humans and other dogs early, and it must have exercise and daily walks. The person who takes on a German Shepherd needs to be calm, confident and in control.

This dog breed is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle. There are two types of Labradoodle.
The Australian Labradoodle, which may be mixed with a few additional breeds such as the Curly Coat Retriever, and the American Labradoodle, which is only the result of a Lab and Poodle hybrid.
Breeders consider first generation dogs that are truly half Poodle and half Labrador Retriever to be healthier, though a dog that’s 25 percent Lab and 75 percent Poodle is less likely to shed and cause allergies.
This is something to consider for a person who wants a dog but is a bit allergic to dogs in general.
Labrador Retriever

One of the ancestors of the Labradoodle, this dog is just right for someone who loves to be outdoors.
Labrador retrievers love children and get along with other dogs. They love to swim and are smart and friendly, though they can be shy around strangers.
As with the Labradoodle, there are two types. The English Labrador is a blocky and robust dog, while the American Labrador is tall and svelte with a smooth double coat. Both types are powerful dogs who need firm but loving guidance.

This tiny little dog has a surprising amount of personality and verve. Small enough to exist happily in a small apartment, it is the best companion for a person who is as energetic as it is.
It’s strong-willed, might be challenging to housebreak, isn’t the best dog for a household with young children and needs firm but gentle training.
One mistake some Chihuahua owners make is pampering the dog because it’s so tiny. The Chihuahua does not think it is tiny, and when it is allowed to jump up on a person it is behaving like an alpha dog toward a subordinate. Such behaviour needs to be discouraged.

This big and powerful dog was raised to accompany gamekeepers on their rounds and to take down poachers. Today it is a calm but fearless pet that needs to live with a master who is consistent and firm.
The Bullmastiff needs to be socialized to be around other people and pets early in its life. Prospective owners should know that puppies may be clumsy, so secure the bric-a-brac.
Like the Pug, who shares its smushed in face, the Bullmastiff doesn’t tolerate very hot or cold temperatures. It’s also subject to health problems and tends to put on the pounds easily if it doesn’t get enough exercise.